Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 4 and 5

Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let it Rain

The Youth Gathering has officially started!  Wow, what a sight to see 39,000 youth together worshiping Christ in the same area.  We have taken over the city.  Wednesday evening Reverend Nadia Bolz-Weber shared her story with us as the Youth Gathering was kicked off.  She is a women who grew up in the church,   lost herself to drugs and alcohol.  In the process she was becoming numb to who she was and where her identity lay.  She has tattoos up and down her arm, and could say she does not fit the typical image of the church.  After becoming sober, and seeking Christ as she was, and meeting her husband she felt a calling to plant a church that welcomed a diversity of people.  Her path to God was made with struggles and falling on her face and in the midst of it God picked her up and showered her with His grace and love.  She reminded us it is ok to be different.  God has created with different gifts and passions and those things make us who we are.  

 On Thursday we learned what it means to be a peacemaker.  How do we resolve peace? How do we make peace in the name of Jesus?  Shane Claiborne shared with us stories of how he has made peace in our world.  He has worked with Mother Thersea in Calcutta and spent time in Iraq with Iraqi Christens.  He is an example of someone that goes out of his comfort zone to love God's people.  What an inspiration to our youth and our adults on the trip.  He makes us want to be risk takers to make a difference and to make a change.  

Youth have been enjoying the different activities in the convention center.  There is bumper cars, dodge ball, sports, artistic expression, jumpity jumps, and a ton of other activities as well. We have been talking about how to serve the homeless and how to love them like Jesus would when we approach people who are experiencing homelessness on the streets of New Orleans.  We have been talking about how to break down the walls with people who are different then ourselves and to be united with one another. 

Today, we are practicing Justice and serving the community of New Orleans.  It will be a surprise to all of us on how we will be serving.  Please pray for us that it will not rain! It has been raining a lot and we have been drenched multiple times!!!!!   But it has been fun and a part of the experience.  Thats all for now.  Check back later in the coming days for another post.  :) 

God bless you and cant wait to see you all when we return.  

1 comment:

  1. Your post makes me think of 'grace like rain', a favorite song of mine. So excited that you got to hear Shane Claiborne, and Nadia Bolz-Weber too. Wow - sounds like a great trip right there.
    with prayers, Sarah
